Büyük Okyanus Yolu, Avustralya’nın güney Victoria sahilinde yer alan sarp uçurumları ve muazzam manzaralarıyla ünlü bir sürüş yoludur. Bu yol, Twelve Apostles (On İki Havari) da dahil olmak üzere Güney Okyanus ve ünlü kıyı şeridi manzaralarını içerir. Dimdik uçurumlar bir yanda, aşınmış kıyı şeridi ise diğer yanda yer alır ve tam önünüzde ilerleyen bitüm şeridi, sizi etkileyici bir yolculuğa çıkarır.
The Great Ocean Road is a drive along Australia’s southern Victoria coast, famous for its cliffs and spectacular views. This trail includes views of the Southern Ocean and famous coastlines, including the Twelve Apostles. Sheer cliffs are on one side, the eroded coastline is on the other, and the bitumen strip in front of you takes you on an impressive journey.
But the Great Ocean Road is not just a road; it also forms Victoria’s most famous surfing coast. Passing through seaside towns such as Bells Beach allows exploring many exciting spots, from abandoned beaches to lighthouses, from remarkable shipwrecks to historic towns. In addition, the 91 km Great Ocean Walk, which embraces the coast itself and offers magnificent views, adds a unique experience to the journey by passing through dense forests. Accommodation options along the way include places that offer a warm spa, a relaxing massage, and a sumptuous dinner each evening. This hiking trail is a perfect destination that offers a relaxing and unforgettable experience surrounded by nature.
Information: Edward Henty and his brothers are known for establishing the first permanent settlement of Europeans in Portland on the Great Ocean Road in 1834 before Melbourne’s capital was established.