Discover Education Opportunities

99% of our students recommend us to a friend. Let’s find the right education option together for your future plans and career.

Education in Australia

Our Service Process:


Preliminary Assessment

First, we aim to understand you better by delving into your previous work experiences and educational background.

Educational Career Plan

We conduct a thorough analysis of your past experiences and future goals to identify the optimal education plan.

School & Visa Application

We offer personalized school and visa consultancy services tailored to your preferred country and educational plan.
Preliminary Assesment

Preliminary Assessment

First, we aim to understand you better by delving into your previous work experiences and educational background.
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Career plan

Educational Career Plan

We conduct a thorough analysis of your past experiences and future goals to identify the optimal education plan.
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Career plan

School & Visa Application

We offer personalized school and visa consultancy services tailored to your preferred country and educational plan.
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Why Should You Go with HUB EDU

At HUB EDU, we are delighted to support you at every stage in international education, career, and personal development. Our students have many reasons to choose us among many international counselling offices.

  • 28+ years experience
  • 12,000+ dreams came true
  • 70+ academic partner
  • Personalized Approach

Australian Luncheon and Academic Symposium
organized by HUB EDU

Let Our Students Tell You More!

We believe that everyone who crosses paths with HUB EDU creates beautiful memories. Additionally, we have a very cheerful and enthusiastic team. Would you like to see our office environment up close?

Explore all UK Education Opportunities with HUB EDU